Danbury Local School District (DLSD) has created its online & social media presence to serve as an additional means to share news, provide information, and facilitate communications within our school district community. We thank all of the users who follow us and contribute to our online community. To help us accomplish this goal, we ask that you abide by the following guidelines on any Danbury Schools online or social media site (e.g. Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc):
- Open conversation - not personal issues or complaints about students and/or school personnel. This page is not intended to circumvent regular communication channels for sharing personal issues and concerns, including personnel matters and student concerns. Comments regarding a personal issue with the District, a school, student or a staff member will be removed.
- Be respectful. Personal attacks or comments that are deemed offensive to any member of our community will not be tolerated. Inappropriate remarks and profanity will be removed.
- Want to boost your product sales? Running for a political office? Publish a personal Facebook page, and leave ours for sharing news and insights about our district, schools and activities.
- Stay on topic. This is a page dedicated to the education of students of DLSD. Let’s keep the conversation related to our district, schools and activities. Comments of all kinds are welcome so long as they directly relate to our district, schools and activities.
- Have a question for a specific employee? Contact them privately. Fans should not expect responses to every question or comment posted on this page.
- Be aware of the mission. The mission of DLSD is education. Please be certain that your comments are appropriate for an educational environment and fans of all ages.
- Be factual. Blatantly inaccurate information will not be allowed. False information will be removed and factual information will be posted.
- Employees of DLSD may have personal Facebook pages. Don’t be surprised or offended if your request to “friend” them is ignored. District policy encourages staff to keep their personal lives personal.
- This page is yours and we want you to feel comfortable sharing your views about DLSD schools or activities.
Community messages posted to our social media pages do not necessarily represent the views of DLSD. DLSD reserves the right to remove comments and/or report users who post comments which, in the school district’s sole discretion, bully, intimidate, or harass any individual; contain obscenity, nudity or gratuitous violence; are commercial solicitations; are factually erroneous, libelous, or wildly off-topic; are from anonymous users; constitute incitement to violence or violation of law or DLSD policy, or which constitute true threats; or that otherwise violate State law, school district policy, or the social media site’s own policies.