Often times there is more than one-way to accomplish your goals. The best situations evolve when people make thoughtful decisions and even consider an alternate path. Your child’s education should be no different.
For too many years, Danbury has been the “best kept secret” in Northwest Ohio, but no longer. Did you know that in Ohio, open enrollment allows a student to attend school, tuition-free, in a district other than where his or her parents reside? The registration window for Open Enrollment at Danbury Local Schools typically runs from March through the summer. I recommend you explore this opportunity and consider allowing Danbury Local Schools to prepare your child to be successful in all of his/her future endeavors.
As you know, today’s students must use the latest technology to research information and communicate it to those not only around the corner, but around the globe. Danbury Local Schools provides each student with opportunities to integrate technology as a part of his/her overall education. This includes a Chromebook for every student in grades Kindergarten through twelve.
With only 500 students, Danbury is small enough to ensure every student gets the personal attention they need from caring and devoted teachers, yet receives amazing educational opportunities.
We pride ourselves in offering a broad array of academic, extra-curricular and athletic opportunities for all students, such as:
So, whatever academic endeavor, sports team, program or club your child has an interest in, at Danbury, we encourage him/her to give it a shot— that is what learning is really about!
Danbury Local Schools is committed to providing your child a personalized yet well-rounded educational experience. This is our top priority as we prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders.
I encourage you to contact Danbury Local Schools at 419-798-5185 to learn more about Open Enrollment. We’d love to schedule a visit so you and your child can see everything we can offer!
Cari Buehler
Danbury Local Schools
We're happy to welcome you to the Danbury family! Whether your student is enrolling in school for the very first time, your family has recently moved to the area, or you're interested in Open Enrolling while residing outside of our district - you are sure to find a home at Danbury Schools! We encourage all new families to come in to meet us and tour our facilities as you consider your educational options. Give us a call at 419.798.5185 and we're happy to arrange a tour!
Once you have decided to make Danbury Schools your educational home, please register your student(s) as outlined below:
**Submit online registration forms **
If you have recently moved into our district or have a child who is enrolling in school for the first time, we will need to collect some information before your child can start school at Danbury. Our student registration forms are collected online through the FinalForms system: Click Here to Access Danbury's FinalForms Site
Parents of students who are new to Danbury will need to create an account with Danbury on FinalForms - even if you've previously created one with another school district. Detailed instructions on creating an account and adding students are available here: FinalForms for NEW Parents. Please note that parents with students who currently attend Danbury will use their existing FinalForms account to add newly enrolling students.
**Make an appointment with Registrar to review documents**
Once you have filled and signed the registration forms in FinalForms, please call the school at 419.798.5185 x 1062 or email us at registrar@danburyschools.org to set up an appointment with our registrar. Please note that you will need to bring the following to this appointment in order to register your child(ren) to attend school at Danbury:
*Acceptable documents for proof of residency must include your current residential address (not a PO Box). Some acceptable forms of documentation include:
Please reach out if you have any questions regarding proof of residency requirements.
**Preschool Registration**
Danbury Preschool is offered to any child who will turn 3 or 4 years old by August 1st of the current school year. Preschool registration also takes place via FinalForms. If needed, more information on Danbury Preschool is available on the Preschool Page.
**Open Enrollment**
If your residence is outside of the geographic boundaries of our school district, you are also welcome at Danbury! You must be approved for Open Enrollment before attending so be sure to fill out the Open Enrollment Application as you register via FinalForms.
Click Here to Access Danbury's FinalForms Site
FinalForms at Danbury
Danbury Local School District has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service that has replaced paper registration forms. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign enrollment, back-to-school and athletic participation forms for your students. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time.
**All Danbury parents and students are now able to register using FinalForms. Please complete your back-to-school registration forms before the first day of school**
We are currently collecting all general back-to-school forms for all students using the FinalForms system.
For detailed instructions on how to get started in FinalForms, please see the Parent Playbook below. While using FinalForms, you can request support at any time by clicking the "Get Help" button at the bottom of every page.
If you are the parent of a Danbury student and you are having trouble accessing the system, please use the "Forgot Password" feature on the sign on page (danbury-oh) to regain access. If you're registering a New Student who is not currently attending Danbury, please use the "Add Student" button once you're able to access your parent account.
Danbury's FinalForms portal can be accessed here: danbury-oh or via the link at the top of this page.