At Danbury, it is important to us that all students feel safe and cared for in all aspects of their school lives. A robust bullying education, prevention, and intervention program is an important part of creating this environment. State and Federal law also require us to publicize and enforce our bullying policy as well as publish bullying incident counts each semester (found below). Our staff and administrators receive regular training in this area and are always vigilant and proactive in bullying prevention. Students attend district-wide assemblies on this topic annually and receive reinforcement throughout the school year. Please view the resources below and help us continue to create the Danbury environment all of our children deserve.
If you suspect, witness, or are made aware of bullying involving Danbury students, don't hesitate to contact a staff member or administrator. The school also maintains a school safety hotline at 866.listen2me and
PublicSchoolWorks. Bullying incidents (as well as other school safety concerns) may be reported to this line and may be made anonymously. All calls/submissions are immediately forwarded to Danbury Schools officials.
Our bullying policy is distributed to each student every school year in the school policy manual they receive and sign for at the beginning of the year. Copies of the policy are also available in each building office and online (click this link).
Additional information on bullying and bullying prevention can be found through the Ohio Department of Education's Safer Schools website: SaferSchools
Our staff and administrators use the flowchart below to guide their assessment of every reported incident where bullying may be a factor. We find it helpful to share with students and parents involved in these incidents.