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Student Safety

Ensuring the safety of our students and schools is always a top priority for us at Danbury Schools.  The A.L.I.C.E program is a major compont of school safety plan in the event of an dangerous situation.  A.L.I.C.E. procedures are reviewed with students and staff every year and drills are conducted to maintain readiness.  More information on the program is available below.

We depend on everyone,  parents, students and staff, to maintain safety awareness and report any concerns to the appropriate authorities.
If you become aware of an immediate threat to the safety of yourself, our students, or school community, please call 911 to allow our local law enforcement and emergency services to respond quickly and appropriately.  
In other situations, Danbury teachers and staff will always take any reported concerns seriously and ensure they are handled appropriately.  If you're unable or uncomfortable reporting in person, we provide several alternatives for students, parents, and staff to share information.


Call or Text 1-844-SaferOH (1-844-723-3764) This line is answered 24/7 by analysts in Ohio Homeland Security’s Threat Assessment and Prevention (TAP) Unit.  Calls or text messages to this line are immediately dispatched to either local law enforcement in the event of a report of criminal/violent threats or to school officials for all other non-criminal reports.  This tip line will allow students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety - whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student.  More information is available on the Ohio Department of Education's Safer Schools Website


Call 1-866-listen2me (1-866-547-8362) This tip line is provided by the district and allows callers the option of leaving a recorded message or speaking directly with someone who can provide free, confidential, and immediate crisis intervention.  This system is for students and parents to report concerns which may affect the peace of mind of students or jeopardize the safety of people or school facilities.  Concerns may include, but are not limited to, bullying, abuse, bomb threats, cyber crimes, discrimination, drugs, health concerns, suspicious behavior, vandalism, fighting, & weapons. Helpline information helps us maintain school environments that are safe and conducive for learning.  
This system accepts online reports as well.  To report online, click on Safe School Help Online.  Any reports to this system have the option to remain anonymous.

A young woman with glasses holds a pink folder, with text encouraging people to call or text 988 for suicide and crisis support.

Those experiencing a mental health crisis, and their loved ones, can reach out to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline through call or text to 988 or chat online at  This easy-to-remember three-digit number ensures confidential, cost-free, 24/7 support for Ohioans experiencing mental health crises.
988 establishes a direct link to empathetic, easily accessible care and support for individuals facing emotional distress, such as thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, or concern for a friend or family member. Ohio’s 988 plan is an
integral component of the state’s broader commitment to delivering high-quality, person-centered crisis aid in communities statewide.
Remember, there is hope and the lifeline is effective. You’re not alone during times of crisis.

Students also have the option to directly message a teacher or staff member through Schoology to report any concerns.
On behalf of the Danbury Board of Education and all district employees, the safety of our students is a top priority. It is only in working together that we can continue to make this the positive learning environment that our students can all thrive.
Cari Buehler
Superintendent Danbury Local Schools
Safe School Help Online
Click the link above for safe, anonymous reporting of any safety concerns you may have regarding your school community. Your report may help save a life!